More than just a marketing agency.
We’re an extension of your business or nonprofit’s team.
What We Believe
DPi Graphics is more than just another marketing agency. We believe in helping small businesses and nonprofits achieve their goals as efficiently as possible. Think of us as an extension of your team. As a small business ourselves, we understand the needs of small businesses and nonprofits and strive for nothing less than your success.
With DPi Graphics, you won’t have to worry that you’ll overspend your marketing budget because we work within your budget to optimize your spending so that what you receive is high quality and just what you need.
We don’t have a complicated discovery process to find out what your business is all about. We believe that simple is better and easier for everyone. We typically charge by the project, which also makes things easier, or, we have special programs, such as Design Genie and DPi Campaign Pro that are geared for small businesses and nonprofits who need ongoing marketing and design solutions.
Our Story
Our story, like many businesses, starts with a humble beginning, however, ours is born out of misfortune. Jeffrey Brown founded DPI Graphics after having been laid off twice in the course of a year back in 2000-2001. He knew that there had to be a better way and was determined to provide design for his clients.
The first iteration of the website for DPI Graphics was built in Dreamweaver and initially hosted on his cousin’s webserver. He soon determined that he needed a bit more support and began getting his site hosted commercially. Over the years, the website has changed and Jeff’s web design skills grew. Jeff began taking on website design clients, in addition to the print design clientele Jeff already served under the name DPI Graphics.
As time went along, DPI Graphics became a sidegig as Jeff rejoined the workforce. However, misfortune would find him again four more times over the course of the next 15 years. Jeff’s misfortune, though, provided opportunity; each time he found himself losing full-time employment, he gained an opportunity to build up DPI Graphics even more.
Today, hundreds of print design and website projects later, DPI Graphics serves clients as far away as Texas, and locally around New England.
As time has gone on, Jeff realized that while graphic and web design were much needed amongst small business owners, marketing – especially digital marketing – was needed even more – and not just for small businesses. Jeff found that many of his clients were nonprofits and that given his background and membership in fraternal organizations, his passion for helping small businesses also included nonprofits.
Now, DPI Graphics is transitioning from being largely a graphic and web design company to a digital marketing agency geared toward small businesses and nonprofits. Our mission is simple – to help small businesses and nonprofits succeed by helping them develop a strong digital marketing strategy. Our goal is to serve your business so well that you feel less that we’re a company that you work with and more that we’re an extension of your organization.
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Our monthly e-newsletter filled with marketing & design tips to help inspire you to do more with your marketing.

Let’s work together to create marketing materials
that will get your business or nonprofit noticed!
that will get your business or nonprofit noticed!