How To Create an Irresistible Product or Offer
Many people assume that creating an irresistible product or offer requires being a genius, or knowing exactly what customers want and how to get it to them. And, while some of that may be true, specifically the ‘knowing what they want’ part, you don’t need to be a genius to get it done. It just requires some thought and a little bit of effort.
Creating an Irresistible Product or Offer
Most highly successful and irresistible products or offers exist to solve a problem that a potential customer has. For instance, if your product promotes hair growth for men, it’s pretty likely you’ll both solve a potential customer’s problem and have an existing market for your product. There are 4 elements of an irresistible offer, according to Beth Smith, owner of Smith Browning Direct, Inc., a Flagstaff, Ariz.-based direct marketing consulting firm: a unique selling proposition, potential savings, incentive and a sense of urgency.
Unique Selling Proposition
It’s important to any offer, especially an irresistible offer, that you have a unique selling proposition – IE “Why should someone choose your product over something else?” Research the competition. If there’s something on the market that is similar to your product, tell potential customers – show them – why yours is the better option or why they should switch from the competition’s product to yours. Your product is ten times more likely to stand out from the competition with a unique selling proposition than without one. Make sure your product and offer stands out from the crowd.
Potential Savings
If your product offers a cost savings when compared to a like product or even a savings over time because your product works better than the competition, mention it in your offer! Competing solely on price is near impossible, if you want to make a profit, however, demonstrating a particular point of saving money either because the product is better and works faster, or simply costs less than others, can help distinguish your brand and product and make it that much more irresistible to potential customers.
Creating an incentive to try a new product is always a great way to make a product or service irresistible, at least to try. For example, a money-back guarantee is one way to provide an incentive for people to try your product. Another common incentive is to provide a discount or a trial period where it costs less to try out a product. A low risk barrier is a great incentive that allows you to get paid, and people try your product. Incentivizing a product or service may seem like a shady sales tactic, but it’s not. Providing an incentive that makes sense with your product or service can be a great way to break into your product or service’s market.
Sense of Urgency
Lastly, an irresistible offer usually has a sense of urgency about it – “Buy now before the price goes up!”, “Get it while supplies last!”, or even “Get in shape for summer!” – each of these demonstrates one thing: the need to act. Consumers are more likely to act on something that is “limited time” or “while supplies last” because if they don’t, they’ll be out of luck. Showing them that there’s a reason to act now by offering an incentive that is only for a limited time is a great way to get them to find your offer irresistible.
But, How Else Can I Make My Product/Offer Irresistible?
Focus on the benefits of your product or service and not the features. Huh, what? That’s right, if you take the time to illustrate how your product is going to help them or make their life better, rather than tell them about the product, it’s features and things they could tell by looking at in the box, you’ll have an easier time converting them to be a customer and not just a consumer.
For example, benefits usually have to do with emotional reactions, how or what someone who uses the product will receive or save, speed or convenience. Rather than simply stating the feature “56 GBps”, you could say “Delivering speeds up to 56 GBps allowing you to do more, faster”.
Ways to translate a feature into a benefit:
- Convenience
- Time or Cost Savings
- Speed
- Emotional/Psychological
- Reliability
- Productivity
By highlighting some or any of the above benefits into your product and offer, combined with your unique selling proposition, your product becomes that much more effective and irresistible to your potential customer.
Is That All I Need to Make an Irresistible Product or Offer?
Not really. A lot of factors go into making an irresistible product or offer, most of which we have already touched on. Next, however, we need to talk about design. Design plays a big role in whether or not a product will stand out amongst the competition and whether it will actually help convert a consumer to a customer. If you don’t have professional appearance – a professional design – your product will look inferior to a like product with similar characteristics.
Designing for conversion isn’t difficult, like creating an irresistible product or offer, it just takes some planning. Like the elements of the irresistible offer, there are essential elements to a high-converting design: a catchy headline, appropriate graphics, a clear offer, a call-to-action and of course, your contact information. We covered these in detail in our blog post in June and they are pretty much self-explanatory, however, the point is simply this: when you design for conversion, you’re beginning with the end in mind – ultimately, you’re thinking about whether or not you would sign up for your offer. If not, you should probably revise the offer, your product or both.
What About Promoting My Product or Offer?
Once you have your product or offer created and the design is solid, you can then think about how you will promote your product. For this, you should consider the various personas that would represent the demographics of your buyers. A persona is basically the way you talk, act and behave with people you interact with that causes them to see you as a particular kind of person. You’ll want to use the various personas to build out landing pages targeting those personas.
Landing pages are probably the most effective way to market to consumers and prospective customers. Typically, you direct search engine and digital advertising traffic to your landing page where people can either sign up, learn more or buy right from the page. Usually your landing pages are similar, but might highlight different benefits based on your target audience. The benefits you illustrate should always be relevant to the persona and target audience that the landing page represents, otherwise, the landing page won’t convert.
With regard to search engine marketing and social media marketing in-terms of promoting a product or offer – there are a variety of options to use to promote your irresistible offer. Everything described above is relevant to any advertising platform you could choose. Which advertising platform to choose, well that is another whole topic for another post.